3 Resolutions for the New Year for Your HVAC System

December 28, 2015

It’s almost here… 2016. It’s time to make resolutions for what you plan to do next year. Some resolutions are easy to stick with than others, and we would like to help you come up with a few resolutions that are simple to achieve. All you have to do for these resolutions is give our team a call and schedule the necessary services!

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How a Newer Gas Furnace Will Save You Money

December 21, 2015

Two weeks ago, we wrote a blog about how to tell that your old furnace should retire. One of those signs is a furnace that costs too much to run. It’s obvious that an aging machine simply won’t be as energy efficient as a newer one. However, there’s more to the improvement in energy efficiency with a new furnace. The technology of furnaces has increased significantly, allowing them to convert their energy source to heating fuel with much less waste than ever before. For example, the average AFUE rating of gas furnaces was once around 60%, which means that only 60% of the energy the furnaces consumed was converted to thermal energy, and 40% went to waste. Today furnaces can score AFUE ratings of 80% up to 97%. How is this possible?

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Is a Heat Pump Really Effective for Heating a Home?

December 14, 2015

If you live in Orlando, FL, your principal concern for comfort during the year is finding a way to stay cool. Heating is still necessary, but it isn’t as large a concern. This is the reason that a heat pump is such a great comfort installation: it’s a powerful air conditioner that will keep your household cool (provided you had professionals size and install it) and then switch over to an energy efficient heating mode during the shorter winter season.

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Time to Replace Your Gas Furnace? Here Are 5 Ways You Can Tell

December 7, 2015

No gas furnace will endure forever. You need to pay attention to an older furnace to see if it’s time to have it replaced. Below are 5 ways to tell that you should call professionals and arrange for a new furnace installation:

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Choosing a Furnace: Electric vs. Natural Gas

November 30, 2015

Although Florida doesn’t face harsh winter weather, you still must have an effective heater installed in your home: one that will work during the periods you need it to without draining excessive amounts of energy and sending your bills through the roof. Finding the right balance is key for a new heating installation. This is why it’s important to have HVAC technicians with experience put on the job from the start. They will help you make the right choice for a heater that will care for your home’s comfort needs while fitting your budget.

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The Benefits of Professional Duct Sealing

November 23, 2015

Most homes use a network of air ducts to deliver cooled and heated air throughout the rooms. These ducts are disguised from view in most places behind plaster, drywall, and floorboards. However, just because the ducts are out of sight doesn’t mean they are protected from suffering damage. Wear, moisture, corrosion, and poor duct construction can easily result in the ducts develops air leaks. This is a significant problem, and if you detect that it’s occurring, you must schedule duct sealing from professionals right away.

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Your Heat Pump Needs a Fall Maintenance Visit

November 16, 2015

Regular maintenance for your HVAC system is a must if you want to avoid unnecessary repair calls, higher bills, and shortened equipment life. If you use a heat pump for your home, you probably already know how vital it is to arrange maintenance from a professional during the spring so that the system is ready to handle the heavy heat during a Florida summer. (If you didn’t know that before, now you do.) But you may not realize that the heat pump must have two maintenance visits each year, with the second coming during fall.

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Why a Bigger Air Conditioner Isn’t Necessarily a Better Air Conditioner

November 9, 2015

A common misconception that people have regarding air conditioners is that the larger a system in a home, the more effective the system will be at keeping the space cool. Homeowners want the best installation they can possibly find, and unfortunately they often conflate “best” with “biggest.” When it comes to a central air conditioning system, a bigger unit is rarely the best one. If you’re planning on an air conditioning installation or replacement for your home, apply the Goldilocks logic: find an AC that is neither too big, nor too small, but just right.

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The Ideal Setting for Your Air Conditioning Thermostat

November 2, 2015

Air conditioning during most of the year is simply a fact of life here in Orlando, FL. People take it for granted that a large percentage of their monthly electrical bills will go to running the AC. But homeowners often make simple mistakes with their cooling systems that lead to higher bills. One of these basic mistakes is placing the air conditioner thermostat at lower temperatures than necessary.

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How to Clean the Filter on Your Air Conditioning System

October 26, 2015

Last week we wrote about three helpful tips for saving money on air conditioning, which is a year-round concern in a place that can stay as warm as Florida. We would like to add an important tip to the others: Clean the air filter once a month while the air conditioner runs on a regular basis.

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